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Report: COVID-19 Has Changed Law Firm Operations and Management Dramatically
The COVID-19 pandemic catalysed unprecedented change in law firm management and operations. Within weeks, days, or sometimes just hours, law firm employees were forced to shift from their office locations to a fully work from home (WFH) setting. No one could have predicted such a phenomenon, but the transformation to virtual work was both rapid and complete. The question is, what happens next?

What's in the report?

  • 5 key findings from the ALA survey and webinar
  • Data and insights from ALA members who attended a webinar panel discussion titled “How to plan and manage when change is the only constant”
  • Commentary from panelists Murray Joslin, Senior Vice President of Global Business Enablement at Integreon; Eric Wangler, President, North America at BigHand; Eric Seeger, Principal at Altman Weil, Inc., and Kacee McCalla, Director of H.R. Operations at Baker Donelson

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Murray Joslin
Senior Vice President of Global Business Enablement, Integreon
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Eric Seeger
Principal, Altman Weil, Inc.
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April Campbell
Interim Executive Director, ALA
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Eric Wangler
President, Global Legal Market, BigHand
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Kacee McCalla
Director of H.R. Operations, Baker Donelson