Manage metadata effectively and securely

Maintaining privacy and security is important for every firm to keep reputation and trust with clients. Metadata contains confidential information such as sensitive information about clients, cases, strategies, and internal processes. Documents that are built within the firm also contain information ranging from the author’s name, date, location, edits, and comments. If this data is not managed effectively and securely it could risk compromising confidentiality, privacy and security and ultimately losing customers and business. 

Well managed metadata can help you to drive profits through: 

  1. Increased visibility on where your metadata is.
    Metadata is invisible and can easily be missed, so knowing where your metadata is stored within the firm can allow your admins to put safeguards and processes in place for better management of this data. This ensures that all client data is safe and that your firm is in line with regulatory policies.

  2. Automate metadata cleansing across the firm.
    Many documents are built every day in different by lawyers within the firm, and many emails with these documents are share with clients via email. With the help of a metadata management tool your lawyers can easily cleanse confidential data prior sharing the documents and prevent risk of confidential information breaches. 

  3. Maintaining trust and security.
    Clients want to know that their data is safe with you. With all your documents cleansed through a standardized process, gives your clients the peace of mind and trust the firm they are collaborating with, in turn leading to customer retention.
Here’s what leading industry experts are saying on this topic: 
You can achieve this with BigHand Metadata Management.

It is a legal document cleaning tool that allows law firms to cleanse Word, Excel, PowerPoint, PDF, and media files at any stage of the process. Users can automate metadata removal, configure varying levels of metadata management, and protect staff from unwitting confidentiality breaches and the business impacts they can cause. 

  • Prevent disclosure of detrimental information at any stage 
  • Cleanse metadata from many file types 
  • Manage risk of data confidentiality breaches 
  • Save time with automated metadata cleansing 
  • Formalize metadata management policies 
But don’t just take our word for it here’s what some of our customers said once they’ve implemented Metadata Management: 

20,000+ users in organizations servicing jurisdictions globally use BigHand Metadata Management. 

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