Getting the simple processes done right can be game changing for a law firm’s output, especially in relation to document creation. The significant impact on client satisfaction, productivity and efficiency were widely discussed at the BigHand Conference 2023.
Legal document production is one of those processes that, when done right, positively impacts service delivery and client satisfaction, yet many firms are stuck in the past when it comes to document creation. The attendees at the BigHand Conference identified some of the common issues they are looking to solve with a legal document creation tool including:
Brand consistency
Saving time through simplifying the process
Automating document creating processes
Seamless integration with their current technologies
To address how technology can support firms when combatting the above, BigHand invited Lee Davey, Deputy Head of Technology and Operations at Burges Salmon, Michael Greig, Application Delivery Manager at Charles Russell Speechlys, and Nick Long, IT Business Manager at Clarke Wilmott to share their experiences.
The session, “Legal Document Creation: Strategies for High-Quality and Consistent Results”, looked at how they have seen their firm’s efficiency and client satisfaction improve after implementing BigHand’s Document Creation.
Michael Greig, Nick Long, and Lee Davey discuss legal document production at the BigHand Conference.
The panellists discussed how they’ve seen an increase in the importance of having unified branding when it came to service delivery and client satisfaction. Legal documents are an extension of the firm’s brand. Creating high-level legal documents without inconsistencies and outdated information manually can be time-consuming and inefficient.
With an agreed consensus at the conference that clients are now demanding that firms use the most cost-effective resource when completing legal work, firms cannot afford for lawyers' time to be spent on administrative tasks and non-billable work.
As support teams move to varying levels of centralised models and hybrid work remains popular, effective document creation tech should support law firms in automating the process and make templating far more user-friendly. Lawyers can focus on client work knowing that all legal documents are produced consistently with the firm’s branding and automatically integrates with other systems including the DMS, CRM and SQL databases.
By simplifying the management of templates and offering a wide array of integrations, the panellists noted how the solution allows everyone at the firm to focus on what they do best: delivering high-quality legal services. With branding being a hot topic during the conference, many of our attendees agreed that the legal industry will continue to evolve and tools like BigHand Document Creation will play a vital in supporting efficiency in the future.
About BigHand Document Creation
Give your teams a quick, easy way to design and deploy in-house document templates and let your people work in a more self-sufficient way without the need for support, with the correct template for the job, every time.
Save time, effort and money that can be reinvested in higher value areas. Make template management quick and easy with BigHand Document Creation.