BigHand Workflow Management delivers on administrative task delegations needs for Berwins Solicitors

Berwins Solicitors choose BigHand Workflow Management to achieve visibility and transparency across their administrative processes.

Top-ranked Legal 500 firm Berwins Solicitors choose BigHand Workflow Management to help create transparency of administrative tasks across the firm. This is part of an on-going commitment to deliver a high quality legal service for clients in Harrogate and Leeds.

Berwins upgraded their 45 Digital Dictation users to BigHand Workflow Management, a task management solution that enables users to delegate tasks using the BigHand workflow and monitor them through to completion, providing complete transparency over the entire process.

Caroline Davison, Operations Director at Berwins Solicitors explains the need for a new system, “We needed a solution that would manage the requests sent from Fee Earners in the Residential Property Department to the four administrative and legal assistants. These tasks can include anything from preparing new client packs, photo-copying, post-completion work, research and closing files. When using BigHand Digital Dictation, it’s easy to see if your Dictation has been started, completed or is still in progress.

Unfortunately, we didn’t have the same transparency over our administrative tasks. We were using shared email inboxes to get tasks completed which meant that there was a relatively high risk of work duplication, or on rare occasions the job might not get done at all.”

Having seen a demonstration of BigHand Workflow Management, Caroline saw the benefits first-hand. BigHand Workflow Management could be used for task management in a number of departments across the firm, making it an extremely flexible tool. “I head up the Operational Support Team and we get requests through from everyone in the business, and from any team," she says. "I realised that BigHand Workflow Management could manage these tasks too, which can be anything from booking the IT team for internal seminars, booking training courses to requesting tea and coffee for internal meetings. The transparency that we now have over these tasks means that we can monitor work outside the normal Dictation-based work far more effectively.”

BigHand Workflow Management will be rolled out to the Residential Property Team and the Operational Support Team in June and then on a team-by-team basis covering all the departments across the firm.

Caroline concludes, “It’s not just one relationship that this technology helps. BigHand Workflow Management not only makes tasks visible and trackable between a Fee Earner and a Secretary but as law firms get more complex, and processes veer away from the typical Fee Earner to Secretary relationship, keeping control will be even more important. It’s refreshing to see intuitive technologies like BigHand Workflow Management help growing firms like us to achieve higher service delivery.”

About BigHand Workflow Management

To provide the best client service while supporting your bottom line, it’s vital to ensure your teams are working efficiently and smartly. Ineffective and outdated methods of delegating tasks makes it easy for things to be overlooked, means your workforce isn’t properly optimised, your tasks aren’t being delivered on time, and your bottom line is suffering as a result. BigHand Workflow Management is a task management solution that lets you turn your tasks into fully auditable, digital workflow entries. You can create tasks from voice, email, electronic or paper-based requests – from document production requests to reprographics and travel bookings.

BigHand Workflow Management